Best Places to Visit in Mrauk U, Myanmar

Mrauk U

Welcome to Trip Trek Tales, we always brings the best travel guides for you. In this blog we are going to uncover an ancient state of Myanmar, Mrauk U. Yes, you heard it right, it is ancient and mystical.

Mrauk U is a tiny, little-known town in the state of Rakhine in Myanmar that is full of history and culture. It is often overshadowed by its better known counterpart, Bagan, but it offers a rare glimpse into what ancient Myanmar must have been like with wonderful ruins, exquisite temples, and tranquil landscapes. This was once the capital of the Arakan Kingdom, and so there are many archaeological sites to see for those who love history as well as adventure lovers. 

We have created a comprehensive list of the best places to visit in Mrauk U. Though not many people are aware about this place, still this is old yet beautiful town of Myanmar that one must visit. So, read till the end and note down all the destinations you want to go in Mrauk U

1. Shittaung Pagoda

Historical Significance

Shittaung Pagoda or 80,000 Buddha Images Pagoda is one of the most famous temples in Mrauk U.  It is the most revered temples as well in the town. The temple was built by King Min Bin in 1535 AD. It stands as a testimony to Arakanese architectural skills and spiritual beliefs of people who lived here at that time. The pagoda’s name means “Temple of 80,000 Buddhas,” alluding to the numerous Buddha images that are enshrined within its walls. Surely this place should be on top while you travel to Mrauk U.

Architectural Marvel

Now, it is time to talk about the architecture of this temple. The central stupa, shaped like a bell, dominates the temple grounds. Around this central stupa there are 27 smaller stupas plus four large ones at each corner. The corridors are filled with thousands of unique Buddha statues placed there with great artistry skillfully crafted in various forms. The winding passageways just inside this pagoda feature finely detailed frescoes and sculptures showing episodes from Buddhist mythology and the history of the Arakanese kingdom.

Visiting Tips

  • Timing: Visit early in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the heat and crowds.
  • Dress Code: As with all religious sites in Myanmar, dress modestly with shoulders and knees covered.
  • Photography: Photography is allowed, but be respectful of worshippers.

2. Htukkanthein Temple

Unique Design

Another famous and magical temple is Htukkanthein Temple. It was built in 1571 by King Min Phalaung. This temple is another architectural masterpiece of Mrauk U. Htukkanthein looks like a fort, unlike the usual pagodas with their huge brick walls and narrow slit-like windows to repel attacks. The temple’s name, “Cross-Beam Ordination Hall,” points to the presence of stone beams that support its roof.

Spiritual Journey

Inside this temple you will find one central shrine, and around this there is a circular passage lined on both sides by 180 images of Buddha. As you go through the spiralling passageway, it symbolises a spiritual journey that can be taken. The darkness within the corridors as well as calmness add to the serenity of this pagoda. Does not it sounds interesting, so keep this in your itinerary.

Visiting Tips

  • Shoes: Remove your shoes before entering the temple.
  • Guided Tours: Consider hiring a local guide to learn about the temple’s history and significance.

3. Koe-thaung Temple

Largest Temple Complex

After 80,000 Buddhas temple, time for Koe-thaung Temple. It is known as “Temple of 90,000 Buddhas” in Burmese, and it remains the largest temple complex in Mrauk U. This was built by King Min Dikkha in 1553 AD., based on his desire to eclipse Shittaung Pagoda, having more Buddha statues than it.

Architectural Grandeur

The temple is a huge rectangle structure that has several tiers, each containing numerous Buddha images. The exterior walls are beautifully engraved with sculptures showing different aspects of Jataka tales and Buddhist cosmology, while some have been weathered away all together over long periods of time. Still standing today despite being in ruins tells us that Koe-thaung was once an awe-inspiring place invested with spirituality for everyone who visited here. Keep this architectural marvel in your list of places to visit in Mrauk U.

Visiting Tips

  • Exploration: Allow plenty of time to explore the vast temple complex.
  • Water: Bring water and stay hydrated, especially during the hot season.

4. Mrauk U Palace Ruins

Historical Context

Now after temples, it is time to visit a ruin, the Mrauk U Palace is where the ancient Arakanese kingdom used to be, and this reveals a glimpse of its past glory. Originally constructed in the 16th century, the palace complex served as abode to successive Arakanese kings.

Exploring the Ruins

Visitors can walk around remnants of palace walls, gates, and foundations, imagining the luxury and strength that typified Arakanese Court. Additionally, it includes a number of smaller temples and stupas, which makes it have more historical and archaeological significance.

Visiting Tips

  • Guided Tours: A guided tour can provide valuable insights into the history and architecture of the palace ruins.
  • Timing: Visit in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the heat.

5. Andaw Thein Temple

Sacred Relic

It is said that Andaw Thein Temple was built in 1521 by King Min Hla Raza, which houses Buddha’s tooth relic. The name of this temple translates into “Tooth Shrine,” thus showing why people travel to this place on pilgrimage.

Architectural Features

The main stupa at the centre of this temple has eight smaller stupas surrounding it, each with its own Buddha image inside. The inside walls are embellished with exquisite carvings and frescoes depicting scenes from various Buddhist mythologies.

Visiting Tips

  • Respect: Show respect to the sacred relic and the worshippers.
  • Offerings: Consider bringing offerings such as flowers or incense.

6. Mahabandoola Monastery

Spiritual Haven

Another spot worth mentioning is Mahabandoola Monastery, also known as Rakhine State Buddha Park in Mrauk U, because of its quietness and picturesque nature. There are lush green trees around this building containing several Buddha statues, including a large sleeping Buddha statue.

Tranquil Setting

This serene environment allows for meditation and deep thoughts, making it a perfect place for those who seek peace of mind. The visitors can also wander through the well-maintained garden, enjoy its tranquilly, and interact with friendly monks.

Visiting Tips

  • Meditation: Participate in meditation sessions if available.
  • Donations: Consider making a donation to support the monastery.

7. Laymyetnha Pagoda

Oldest Pagoda

The construction of the Laymyetnha Pagoda was done by King Min Saw Mon in 1430, making it Mrauk U’s oldest pagoda. In Burmese language, Laymyetnha means “Four Faces,” thus indicating that there are four images of Buddha situated at each cardinal direction.

Architectural Highlights

The pagoda itself is composed of a small central stupa surrounded by 4 smaller ones, one in each cardinal direction, each housing an idol of Buddha. The design is simple yet elegant, reflecting the early Arakan architectural style.

Visiting Tips

  • Sunset View: Visit during sunset for a stunning view of the pagoda and surrounding landscape.
  • Quiet Reflection: Take time for quiet reflection and meditation.

8. Ratanabon Pagoda

Historical Significance

Also known as Treasure Pagoda, Ratanabon Pagoda was built in 1612 by King Min Khamaung. It is named after a heap of jewels, meaning that it was used as a storehouse for the king’s treasures and relics.

Architectural Beauty

A bell-shaped stupa is located inside this pagoda, surrounded by several smaller stupas and shrines adorned with beautiful carvings on their walls depicting scenes from Buddhist mythologies and Arakanese history in great detail.

Visiting Tips

  • Photography: Capture the beautiful carvings and architecture.
  • Respect: Show respect to the sacred relics and the worshippers.

9. Sanda Muni Pagoda

Unique History

Built by King Thiri Thuriya Sandar in the year 1658, the Sanda Muni Pagoda has come to be known as an exceptional monument, and because of this, it stands as the most important and attractive site for tourists around Mandalay. It was built to host the sacred tooth relic of Lord Buddha. This made it a very important place because people travel from faraway lands to visit it.

Architectural Splendour

Within are many small stupas, which centre on a large one covered with sculptures and images portraying Buddha. The pagoda hence provides a serene environment, suitable for meditation and contemplating life.

Visiting Tips

  • Offerings: Consider bringing offerings such as flowers or incense.
  • Photography: Capture the stunning architecture and serene atmosphere.

10. Chin Villages

Cultural Experience

Chin villages near Mrauk U offer an unparalleled cultural experience. They have tattoos on their faces, a feature that distinguishes them from other tribes in Myanmar, such as Kayin or Mon, among others, thus providing insights into how diverse Myanmar is ethnically speaking.

Village Life

Travellers may decide to go round traditional Burmese chin villages, interact with local people, and learn about their way of life there. Generally, villagers are well known for being friendly and openhearted towards visitors who show interest in their culture.

Visiting Tips

  • Respect: Show respect for the local customs and traditions.
  • Gifts: Consider bringing small gifts such as food or school supplies for the villagers.

11. Mrauk U Museum

Historical Insights

Mrauk U Museum, located near the Shittaung temple complex, gives a lot of knowledge about the history and culture of the Rakhine kingdom. It contains numerous artefacts, including ancient sculptures, inscriptions, and relics from Mrauk U’s temples and palaces.

Educational Experience

People who come to this place get an opportunity to learn about the historical past of Mrauk U by visiting the exhibitions displayed in its premises. The museum also provides extensive information on archaeological sites and temples to give visitors a greater glimpse into what this ancient city was like.

Visiting Tips

  • Guided Tours: Consider joining a guided tour for a more comprehensive understanding of the exhibits.
  • Photography: Photography is usually allowed, but check the museum’s policy.

12. Mrauk U Market

Local Experience

Mrauk U market is an interesting place where you can plunge into the local atmosphere. Goods include fresh fruits and vegetables as well as handicrafts made locally and home-made foodstuffs.

Shopping and Dining

The vendors are friendly, so visitors can sample local snacks or buy souvenirs from them. Here you will have a chance of staying within real-life situations among local people.

Visiting Tips

  • Bargaining: Bargaining is common, so feel free to negotiate prices.
  • Local Delicacies: Try some of the local delicacies, such as Rakhine mohinga or traditional sweets.

13. Vesali

Ancient City

In fact, Vesali was one of the oldest cities prior to Mrauk-U being established there later after becoming quite popular among tourists. Vesali dates back to the 4th century AD, when it acted as a vital trading centre for Buddhism in the Arakan region too.

Archaeological Site

Visitors can walk through Vesali ruins, which include old pagodas, stupas, and fortifications outlining just how religiously people lived in those days. There are a few stone inscriptions and sculptures showing the history of the ancient Rakhine civilisation.

Visiting Tips

  • Exploration: Allow plenty of time to explore the extensive archaeological site.
  • Guided Tours: Consider hiring a guide to learn about the history and significance of Vesali.

14. Kothaung Taung

Scenic Hill

The scenic view of Mrauk U can be seen on Kothaung Taung, also known as “the hill of ninety thousand Buddhas.” This is because it is close to Koe-thaung Temple, and the hill offers a view of the ancient city and its environs.

Hiking and Views

The hills are quite appropriate for an individual who wants to see some breathtaking views of Mrauk U’s temples, pagodas, and green landscapes from up above. The hill will give you opportunities to take photographs for memories’ sake as well as behold what nature has done in this region.

Visiting Tips

  • Timing: Visit during sunrise or sunset for the best views.
  • Hiking Gear: Wear comfortable shoes and bring water for the hike.


Mrauk U, with its rich history, stunning architecture, and serene landscapes, is a destination that captivates the hearts of all who visit. From the magnificent Shittaung Pagoda to peaceful Chin villages, each location provides distinct insights into this ancient Arakanese kingdom’s cultural heritage. Whether one loves history so much, desires spiritual nourishment, or just wants adventure, Mrauk U guarantees a timeless experience filled with traditionalism. Therefore, get ready as we go on with our journey through time and tradition in Mrauk U by packing your bags or simply embarking on an adventure in search of hidden treasures of Mrauk U.

About Jyoti

Hello I am Jyoti, I have been a constant travel writer for Trip Trek Tales. I love travelling and therefore, I wanted to contribute in this field. Travelling, writing and reading are the things that I love the most and this is the main reason why I started my career in writing. At Trip Trek Tales, I am sharing the best information related to the field of travelling. All the information in the articles are after thorough research, personal experiences and knowledge. Hope you love my writings. Thank you. Have a happy travel!

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